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From the pulpit

The following thoughts are based on a passage of scripture from Jeremiah 29. I will list the verses of scripture which you can read if you are so interested. God’s people have suffered disaster and defeat. They are in exile from their homeland living in a foreign land. (v.1-4)Eugene H. Peterson says, "The essential meaning of exile is that we are where we don’t want to be. With that understanding we all experience exile from time to time. The cycle of life is filled with exilic events, when we are where we don’t want to be. Some examples: diagnosis of cancer of disease, death of a spouse or other loved one, unemployed, under-employed, single desiring to be married, married desiring to have children, aging and losing strength and abilities, dealing with a tragic event of one kind or another, loss of love or a relationship and so the list goes. Most of these exilic events are not your choice but are given to you. Jeremiah writes to people in exile and seeks to guide them in the midst of it. What he says helps me handle the exiles of my life and I hope these thoughts will help you also. First, make the best of your situation. (v.5-6) Jeremiah’s people were going to stay where they were for 70 years. Often we will not be able to change what has happened so we need to work with and out of the situation that which can be the best for us. Second, benefit or bless those around you. (v.7) Experience happiness and peace by seeking the welfare of others around you. Stop thinking about yourself and think about those around you. God also says that if we seek to bless others we also will in the end benefit ourselves. Third, listen for the teaching and wisdom of God for you in this experience or event. (v.8-9) Ask yourself what God wants you to learn or develop in your life from this exile. The Bible teaches that "in all things God works for the good of those who love God."Fourth, depend on and claim the promises of God. (v.10-11) Joshua 21 verse 45 teaches that none of God’s promises will fail. You can trust the promises God gives to you. There are promises for you of God’s love and care, that God will never leave, desert, or fail you, that God’s plan is to prosper and fulfill you and the list goes on and on. The issue is knowing the promises so you can claim and live them. Fifth, seek God through prayer. (v.12-14) Talk to God about your situation. Share with God your feelings, thoughts and needs. God wants to be our help and strength. God will hear your prayers and respond with wisdom, love and mercy enabling you to live with serenity. Peterson says, "Exile reveals what really matters and frees us to pursue what really matters, which is to seek (and know) the Lord with all our heart.

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