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From the pulpit

I am halfway through the bestseller "The Divinci Code," by Dan Brown. It took me a long time to decide to read the book. But, being the ‘up-to-date’ woman I am, I finally decided to read it. I must say I have not finished the book yet, but I have formed some opinions on the book. It is a book of fiction. It is not the Bible. It is written for intrigue and suspense and is just a story. So, why all the hype? If we would spend as much time promoting the Bible as the airwaves have done on this book, we would have a better chance of knowing the true God Almighty. We would have the privilege of hearing the opinions of great theologians as well as the man-on-the-street. Because believe me, they are talking about "The Divinci Code." We could turn on our radio or the TV and see pasted across the screen, "Millions have read the Bible! Everyone has an opinion!"I do read my Bible, every day, as a matter of fact. And I do enjoy reading books that intrigue me as well. I may just go to see the movie made from the book. But none of this will change the way I feel about God, Jesus or the devoted men and women who have spent their lives making sure I can know about Jesus. Especially those who heard the Holy Spirit’s command to write down the story of God’s walk here on earth with us, called the Bible. I am grateful to the men and women who serve in the armed forces that provide a society for me that gives me the freedom to read what I want. I am grateful to the theologians who offer their educated opinions about the Bible and the people who dance across those pages. But most of all, I am grateful for a God who wants me to know Him personally and intimately even though I may stray from the pages of the Bible to wander through a novel called "The Divinci Code." I wonder about anyone whose faith is so loose that they would be threatened by a single book. Stand strong, Christians. No one will sway us if we don’t let them. God is very much in control and loves us. We can find the truth in the pages of the Bible. Let us spend more time telling others about our personal relationship with God and less time worrying about stamping out Dan Brown and "The Divinci Code."

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