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From the pulpit

Sacrifice of the KingdomGreat treasure demands great sacrifice, according to a pair of parables recorded in Matt. 13:44-46.In the first of these, Jesus says: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then, in his joy, he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."Put yourself in that situation for a minute. You’re walking across a field — perhaps taking a shortcut home; perhaps just enjoying the sights and sounds of the season. Seeing something out of place, you stoop, brush away some dirt — and your eyes shine with the glint of gold! Ancient, buried treasure! But there’s a problem: you don’t own that field. We can understand the man’s solution. He sells everything to raise the money to purchase the field, understanding that the treasure this land conceals is worth far more than the sacrifice demanded by the purchase. That, said Jesus, is the Kingdom of Heaven. It demands everything — all that we have, all that we know, all that we love. For the sake of serving our Savior, we might be required to forsake father and mother, or perhaps to go without a husband or wife. It might demand that we turn our backs on lucrative job offers, live in modest houses, or settle in neighborhoods that make us less than comfortable. But for those who respond with a no-holds-barred faith, the reward is unimaginable. The God who made heaven and earth is the One who promises your reward — and His blessing is without limit! Then comes this second parable. Jesus says: "Again, the Kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it." Pretty similar idea, isn’t it? The kingdom demands our all, but it promises an unimaginable treasure. Wrong. Read the parable again. The Kingdom of heaven is like — a pearl? No! The Kingdom of heaven is like the merchant. Jesus — the Master of the surprise ending — has turned the tables. The Kingdom of heaven itself is seeking treasure — and you are that treasure! You are the pearl! And having found that pearl of great price — having found those whom the Father chose from the start (Eph. 1:4) — the Kingdom of heaven went and sold everything in order to obtain it. In its desire for that great treasure, it was willing to sacrifice even the beloved Son (John 3:16; 1 John 4:10). In the person of the Son, it was willing to sell its claim to heaven’s glory (Php. 2:6-8). It sold everything — in order to redeem the members of the Kingdom of heaven. How much did God love His people? Enough to consider them a priceless pearl, worth the ultimate sacrifice. Now He asks us: how much does the Kingdom of heaven mean to you?

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