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From the pulpit

"In the beginning God," are the opening four words of the First Testament book we call Genesis. This is not only the most important statement we must remember — God is at the beginning of everything — but since this is my first article for a paper I had never read, in a community I had never visited, in a church I only knew about from an acquaintance before this summer, I needed to trust that God was in my beginning here. My beginning in Luverne was June 23, and it has been a wonderful experience to begin to get to know the people I have been called to serve. It has also been a joy to begin to become acquainted with the community at large. God has blessed Wanda, my wife, and me with wonderful neighbors and a city with a welcoming attitude.Beginnings are never easy — some we enjoy more than others. The start of summer is wonderful for young students. New activities abound and all that time to be with friends. I wonder if moms and dads are as excited as their children? Do the feelings reverse now that school is about to begin — from the sounds of a marching band that waft from the south through our front door in the mornings, some young people are preparing for school activities already. New beginnings always mean new challenges.This is the time of year when most people, especially the young and their parents, find scheduling a major concern. These next few weeks are the prelude to a new beginning. You may think or even hope that I will give you some suggestions for time management; however, what you are about to read will probably complicate your life even more. This article started with four words, "In the beginning God." So let me suggest that you keep God in the beginning of your planning. Since this community is considered a Christian community, then where does God fit into your life’s schedule? Here are six goals that our bishop, the Reverend Sally Dyck, has placed before the United Methodists — clergy and laity alike. Spend: 30 minutes per day in Bible study, devotion, and prayer1 to 2 hours per week in service to the church1 to 2 hours per week in small group discipleship1 to 2 hours per week in worship30 to 90 minutes per month in service and outreach8 to 16 hours per year in a spiritual retreatThese goals are not requirements for 2006-2007; they are aims which all who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior should be working toward. Can each member of every congregation accomplish these goals or some similar formula? — Not without the help of God. Let me be so bold as to challenge you to look at September, Labor Day or the start of classes as a time to add some of these aims to your busy schedule, if they are not part of your life already. Let us not just write them on your refrigerator calendar, daily planner or palm pilot. Let us make them daily, weekly, monthly and yearly habits. As we begin again — Keep God in the beginning!

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