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To the People of the city of Luverne:

To the People of the city of Luverne: On July 5, we lost our cat, Billie the Kit, in Luverne on the last stop, of the last day, of a two-week family trip through the Dakotas. We searched for hours, then days. She was nowhere to be found. This brought tears, guilt and second-guessing ourselves for ever having brought a cat on a camping trip. We feared that she may have met her demise in the Rock River (remember all the rain). Still, the search was on with door-to-door visits at homes and businesses. Flyers, and newspaper and radio ads were posted, along with a new batch of flyers with color photos and three return trips to Luverne. Surely we met more than 100 of Luverne’s citizens during our efforts to find Kit. To a person, every one of you was cordial, courteous, thoughtful and caring. We remarked several times how enriched we were, even if Kit were never to be found, by our experiences with you. But hang on. Kit was found, thinner and a bit distraught, but otherwise healthy, near the Veterans Home and returned to our lives on July 18. We cannot begin to express adequately our thanks to the people of Luverne who helped us in our search efforts and extended their warmth and sympathy to us. Our thanks for your kindness, caring, hospitality and basic decency. Now, please share our joy! Also, please take this opportunity to reflect upon yourselves and, at risk of immodesty, give yourselves a great big round of applause. You deserve it. God bless you all, Steve, Joan, Beth, Becky and Ben WilsonEden Prairie

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