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Peeking in the past

10 years ago (1995)"F&L Management joined the Southern Hills Apartments in opening the complex to the public for the first time last Saturday. …According to Tom Serie with F&L Management, a small amount of work remains to be done in all but one of the apartments." 25 years ago (1980)"Marlin DeNoble, along with several other men, was shingling the new Christian School building last Tuesday when he fell from the misty roof to the ground.Marlin was taken to the Luverne Community Hospital where he was examined and was found to have cracked his pelvis and fractured his wrist." 50 years ago (1955)"Because of action taken at a meeting of Hills Legion Post 399 last Monday evening, Hills will again have a Boy Scout Troop. Plans for organizing a troop have been underway for some time, with Post Commander Conley Helgeson and Superintendent Lommen spark plugging the movement."75 years ago (1930)"The Rock County 4-H club had their annual meeting Wednesday at the home of County Agent and Ms. C.G. Gaylord. New officers for 1931 were elected as follows: Lloyd Ellsworth, president; Pearl Skovgaard, vice president; Inez Lorange, secretary; Orva Baustian, treasurer; Herman Skovgaard, song and yell leader; and Magnus Christianson, reporter." 100 years ago (1905)"Playing croquet Christmas day is uncommon in Minnesota; but the day, this year, was so warm and tempting that some of our expert players could not keep themselves indoors and as a consequence spent several hours playing and they seemed to enjoy themselves greatly."

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