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Palace hosts LHS grads

By Sara QuamThe Palace Theatre this weekend hosts two productions that showcase the talents of two Luverne graduates.Friday the movie "Detective Fiction" will play at 7 p.m. Greg Winter, class of 1971, was director of photography for the movie, which was featured at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival. Saturday, at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Jim Brandenburg’s photography will be a part of a live music video featuring images of the prairie. Brandenburg, class of 1963, will narrate segments of the movie while musician Michael Monroe performs original music on guitar and flute.The images and video by Brandenburg have never been seen before this show.The Saturday performance will be followed by an artist’s reception at the Brandenburg Gallery, Luverne.The Sunday performance is followed by a presentation by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at Touch the Sky Prairie National Wildlife Refuge.Chamber Director Dave Smith said, "The presentation will talk about the Touch the Sky project and have some educational elements about prairies. It is open to the public and anyone can go to that presentation."Performances will benefit the Brandenburg Prairie Foundation, which was created to promote, preserve and expand the native prairie in southwest Minnesota.Advance tickets may be purchased at the Luverne Area Chamber of Commerce, 283-4061.WinterGreg Winter helped bring "Detective Fiction" from the theater to motion picture as director of photography.The film was chosen to be shown during the 2003 Sundance Film Festival, which is an honor in itself.The Sundance Institute was established in 1981 by famous actor Robert Redford. The Sundance Film Festival for independent movies is each January in Utah.Winter said, "Basically, the director of photography helps the director by bringing his vision to the screen." Winter is also a director and does commercial filming as well."Detective Fiction" was described in a Sundance publication: "‘Detective Fiction’ is a cleverly constructed portrait of a couple who seem to have lost their bearings and are estranged, inhabiting the same home but existing apart. Jack is now sober but disenchanted and starved for love and adventure, while Jennifer (Mo Collins of FOX’s Mad TV) just wants to feel something and tries to reinvent herself by going back to college."… Jack seeks an outlet for his repressed passion by writing a novel with a gumshoe alter ego. … ‘Detective Fiction’ shines in its crisp, realistic dialogue and emotionally vibrant and realistic characters… ‘Detective Fiction’ is a funny, sensitive and mature expression of life’s trials and afflictions."Brandenburg/MonroeLocal people may not recognize the amount of national and international acclaim photographer Jim Brandenburg has earned.As a Luverne native, he traveled the world as a photographer with National Geographic Magazine for more than 25 years. His photographs have won a multitude of national and international awards including twice being named Magazine Photographer of the Year by the National Press Photographer's Association and Kodak Wildlife Photographer of the Year by the Natural History Museum-London and BBC Wildlife Magazine. Brandenburg received the World Achievement Award from the United Nations Environmental Programme in Sweden. He has published many bestsellers including "Chased by the Light," "Looking for the Summer," "Brother Wolf" and "White Wolf." Brandenburg’s work can always be seen at his gallery in downtown Luverne.The musician joining Brandenburg on the Palace stage is Michael Monroe. He blends vocals, guitar, bamboo and glass flutes, combining musical styles of acoustic folk, and jazzy reggae. His instrumental music is heard across the nation on PBS and in Canada in the award winning documentary, "Chased By The Light: A Photographic Journey," which is about Brandenburg. The two also collaborated in their acclaimed Guthrie Theater "In Concert With Nature" production. In 2004, Monroe received a regional Emmy.

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