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Remember real reason for Christmas season

Built on a Rock
Grant Fischer, interim pastor, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Hills

When it comes to the days leading up to Christmas Eve, I’m pretty much of a “Bah Humbug” kind of guy.
I find it difficult to get into the spirit of Christmas when stores start advertising Christmas items weeks before Thanksgiving and radio stations begin to play Christmas music almost as soon. 
The reason for the season appears to have become profits and presents and the cynic in me begins to rebel.
Yet something amazing happens to me and I hope to all the other Scrooges out there. 
When I hear the Christmas story of Jesus’ birth and sing the beloved Christmas carols, the Scrooge in me suddenly has an “Aha” moment.
“Aha, this is the reason for the season!”
And then my imagination begins to work overtime thinking about all those “what if” things.
What if friends and neighbors could share this much good will and peace with one another all year long?
What if all those broken relationships could be healed so easily? 
What if people were as eager to share all year long as they are at Christmas? 
Oh, what if …?
And that is part of the mystery and challenge of the incarnation.  Once Jesus the Christ is born in our hearts, the Scrooge in us begins to see the world and others differently — moving to bring peace and goodwill to all.
Wouldn’t that be a grand Christmas present?
Merry Christmas!

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