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Former Jasper resident shares grief through published book
The book, “An Obesity of Grief: A Journey from Traumatic Loss to Undying Love,” details the story by Jasper native Lynn Haraldson on the loss of her husband, Bruce Bouwman, near their Jasper home 40 years ago.
In the years that followed, Haraldson clung to the myth that time would heal her grief, but unacknowledged trauma formed many of her decisions including an unplanned pregnancy and remaining in an abusive relationship.
After two failed marriages and gaining and losing more than 100 pounds twice, she finally confronted her grief, and found the answer to the question she’d asked for 24 years: How did Bruce not hear that train?
In March 1983, Bruce was driving home from the Jasper elevator, and as he was crossing the railroad tracks, a train struck the front of his tractor, killing him. He was a half mile from the family farm.
Haraldson is a freelance writer, blogger and award-winning former columnist and lifestyles editor. She makes her home in western Pennsylvania.
Her book, available in paperback and e-book, is published through Koehler Books.

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