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Luverne budgets for capital expenditures in 2022, including two $5 million generators

Lori Sorenson

As part of its year-end budget planning, the Luverne City Council reviewed and approved capital expenditures for the coming year.
Each city department presented priority lists for equipment and improvements needed for the next five years.
The council approved the capital improvements during the budget process that was finalized Dec. 14 when the levy was certified.
Some purchases and expenses are budgeted for but don’t come to fruition. Similarly, some expenses arise that aren’t budgeted for.
The capital improvement plan, though it may change, allows city leaders to anticipate these expenses while they set the overall city budget. (See the related levy and budget story)
Electric Department
For 2022 capital expenditures, the electric department will see the biggest expenses, primarily related to the $11 million power plant and generation upgrades.
The work includes two new 3,100 kW generators at a total cost of $10 million, plus tuck pointing and windows estimated at $50,000 and updated control panels.
In addition, the electric department is budgeting $50,000 for transformers, $150,000 for distribution system upgrades, $30,000 for streetlight poles, fixtures and banners and $120,000 for a new bucket truck.
Fire Department:
•Side-by-side for grass fires and off-road rescues $40,000
•Ten radios — potential grant $50,000
Park Department
•Play structures for Post Office Park $30,000
•Toolcat $55,000
•Replace picnic tables, trash cans, benches $30,000
•Cement and fence at Redbird Field $50,000
Street Department
•Pickup replacement $40,000
•Payloader replacement $204,000
•Loader plow $20,000
Pool and Fitness Center
•Replace main pool grout $10,000
•BogaFit pool boards $10,000
Luverne Loop
•Phase 3B Trail $732,000 — Legacy Grant received in the amount of $512,000
• Phase 4 Trail $571,000 —  Legacy Grant received in the amount of $399,700
Water Department
•Infrastructure Improvements $150,000
•Watermain looping $40,000
•System upgrades $40,000
Sewer Department
•Sewer line replacement $50,000
•New equipment $15,000
•Infrastructure improvements $310,000
Liquor Store
•Digital sign $51,000
Central Garage
•Replace parking lot $700,000

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