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K.A.H.R. Foundation offers sponsorships for area teachers to attend BestPrep's Technology Integration Workshop

Registration is now open for any educators from the Luverne area to attend BestPrep’s Technology Integration Workshop (TIW), a summer program for teachers to improve their technology skills, update a unit plan, and learn career skills students need for success in the future.
The K.A.H.R. Foundation will cover the cost of each teacher’s registration fee and provide a $500 stipend to cover any expenses associated with attendance. TIW occurs Monday-Wednesday, Aug. 1-3.
Participants will learn strategies and gain resources from educational technology experts for incorporating existing and emerging technologies into their curriculum that will support student learning and engagement.
TIW will also coordinate a job shadow for each attendee with a volunteer from a leading Minnesota business. The job shadowing opens participants to the current trends in the workplace, providing educators with a new perspective that will allow them to better prepare students for future careers.
For more information, contact Bonnie Vagasky at bvagasky@best
K.A.H.R. Foundation was established by Warren Herreid and his wife, Jeannine Rivet, in 2005 for philanthropic endeavors. The letters of the foundation’s name stand for the surnames and their mothers’ maiden surnames: Kahler, Archambault, Herreid and Rivet.

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