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H-BC Elementary students raise $6,000 by walking

Lead Summary
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Mavis Fodness

Hills-Beaver Creek Elementary students spent Friday afternoon walking a combined eight miles to raise nearly $6,000 for the school’s parent-teacher organization.
Kindergarten through fifth-grade students walked outside during their physical education class times.
Teacher Darin DeBoer said each class walked as a group for the same amount of time.
Classes and their distances were:
•1.2 miles kindergartners.
•1 mile first-graders.
•1.3 miles second-graders.
•1.87 miles third-graders.
•1.4 miles fourth-graders.
•1.3 miles fifth-graders.
Temperatures were in the upper 50s with occasional rain showers.
DeBoer said first-graders were interrupted by a downpour that lasted a few minutes. They sheltered in a Beaver Creek resident’s garage.
Brianna Leuthold, treasurer of PTO, conducts the annual walk-a-thon fundraiser.
She said donations help to sponsor activities such as Puppy Relays, fall festival, year-end celebration, I Love to Read Month and others.

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