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Beware of Census scams

The U.S. Census only happens once each decade, with the goal of conducting a complete and accurate count of the country's entire population.
With that, unfortunately, comes a basketfull of opportunities for scammers to try and get your personal information. That's why BBB is teaming up with the MN Census to make sure you have all the information you need to not get scammed.
What you need to know:
•The census has not yet started. If you are contacted before March of 2020 by someone claiming to be with the Census, it's very likely a scam.
•By April 1, 2020, you'll receive an invitation to participate in the census. The invitations will start arriving in March and will give you three options for completing the form: online, by phone, or in the mail. 
•The census will never ask for your Social Security number.
•From the end of April through August 2020, census takers will go door-to-door to collect information from people who haven't yet completed their census forms.
•The door-to-door census takers will all have official badges and a verifiable identification number so you can ensure you're not giving your information to a scam operation.
For more information about the census and why it's important, visit

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