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Beaver Creek City Council sets levy, approves raise for fire chief

Lori Sorenson

Beaver Creek City Council members approved a $126,342 levy for taxes payable in 2020.
This represents a $146 increase over the current levy, a move that prompted significant discussion at the council’s year-end meeting.
The goal was to approve a budget that required no levy increase; however, council members were faced with more than $6,000 in expenses over revenues.
Line by line, they looked for places to cut.
Some budget items, like a $5,000 legal reserve, were flexible. It’s a fund set up in case it’s needed.
Trimming $3,000 there was an easy step toward halfway. 
The council “found” additional savings by adding to revenues, anticipating a larger payment from the county for county road maintenance. 
Fire chief salary doubles
A separate agenda item at the Dec. 11 meeting was to increase wages for Beaver Creek Fire Department Chief Jake Rauk.
His current salary is $750 per year and the council approved doubling it to $1,500, which would bring it more in line with fire chief salaries in other cities of similar size to Beaver Creek.
It ultimately meant the city levy would nudge slightly upward in order to cover the expenditure.
The council discussion, however, centered on the value Rauk brings to the community in general.
For example, he routinely secures grants to support the fire department and he frequently supports city maintenance manager Travis Helgeson with routine city work.
“I know what he’s done for this town,” said Councilman Jeff Dysthe, who made the motion to double Rauk’s salary. “Just think what he’s saved us in grants.”
Councilwoman Pat Bender agreed, but wondered if Rauk would accept the offer.
“He spends an enormous amount of time for the city,” she said. “Even if he doesn’t accept it, at least he’ll know he’s appreciated.”
By the numbers
Beaver Creek’s total annual expenses are $252,491.
This includes line items like $77,447 in wages, $10,628 for insurance, $10,560 for law enforcement (contract with Rock County), $32,300 for roads and equipment, $15,000 for fire protection and more.
Beaver Creek’s total annual revenue is $132,149,
It includes $54,184 in Local Government Aid, $25,000 worth of transfers in, and other sources.
The city’s $126,342 current levy bridges the gap to cover expenses.
The newly approved levy of $126,342 is effective for taxes payable in 2020.
In other business at the year-end meeting, the council:
•approved a housing tax abatement request by Elbert and Dianne West, Sioux Falls, for planned construction at 805 Ridgeview Road.
•Approved $200 for councilman Josh Boomgaarden to create Facebook ads to promote the city’s tax abatement on new housing construction.

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