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Menu May 16-20, 2022

LSS meals at Generations
Monday, May 16: Sloppy Joe on a bun, potato salad, fruit, pudding.
Tuesday, May 17: Chicken salad with a croissant, coleslaw, tropical fruit, cookie.
Activities: 12:30 p.m. Pinochle; Bunco.
Wednesday, May 18: Country-fried steak, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, bread, dessert.
Half-Price Day sponsored by Christian Reformed Church.
Thursday, May 19: Baked chicken, baked potato with sour cream, Italian vegetable blend, bread, dessert.
1 p.m. Lutheran Social Services frozen meal distribution.
Friday, May 20: Taco salad with salsa, sour cream, beans and tomatoes, pears, cake.
Half-Price Day sponsored by American Reformed Church.
LSS Dining offers well-balanced and affordable meals in a community atmosphere.
Call Lynette Hoiland at 283-9846 to arrange to pick up a dinner or for home-delivered meals.
Gift certificates are available at the meal site or online at

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