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From the library

Happiness aboundeth in my heart. Martha Stewart is scheduled to be released from prison on Sunday, March 6. My heart is going "pitter-patter" with joy that the trauma is over. Poor Martha, I missed her so much. In honor of this significant occasion, we will prepare a display of Martha’s books at the library on Monday, March 7, (the day after). You will also have an opportunity to register for a chef’s apron that says "I Love Martha" with a red big heart on the front. One requirement: You must love Martha to register. If you don’t love Martha, please don’t register. That would be like lying to a librarian, and frankly, you don’t want to do that. It is common knowledge that lying is one of the seven deadly library sins. The punishment is swift and it is harsh. Happiness will abound in your heart, too, because the new Danielle Steele book, "Impossible," is on the shelf and ready to check out. Everything Sasha does is within the boundaries of tradition. Liam is sockless in December. Sasha is widowed, a woman who knows she was lucky enough to be married to the most wonderful man in the world and thankful for every moment they had. Liam is half in and half out of a marriage that his own impossibly impulsive behavior has helped tear apart. While Sasha has been methodically building her father’s Parisian art gallery into an intercontinental success story, Liam has been growing into one of the most original and striking young painters of his time. So while the two are utterly unalike and a nine-year age difference stares them in the face, the miracle of art brings them together. The question is, can Sasha guard her reputation while juggling a secret and somewhat scandalous relationship? And how can Liam put up with a woman who insists on having things her own way, in her own style, and at her own time?For Sasha it’s a matter of keeping Liam hidden from her grown children and well-heeled clientele. For Liam it’s about creating chaos out of order, bringing out the wild streak that Sasha barely knows she has. That is, until a family tragedy suddenly alters Liam’s life and forces a choice and a sacrifice that neither one of them could have expected. Also new on the shelf this week is "Missing Persons" by Stephen White. The stakes have just been raised for psychologist Alan Gregory. His friend and fellow therapist Hannah Grant has disappeared, mysteriously and suddenly. The police are baffled, leaving another apparent homicide unsolved in Boulder, Colo. Only Alan has the means to decipher Hannah’s clues, a quest that will take him to Las Vegas and lead him to question the integrity of those closest to him. The clock is ticking as Alan tracks one of Hannah’s most elusive patients; has she been kidnapped, or is she a runaway? The answers to both cases may be locked in the mind of a patient he has been treating for a schizophrenic personality disorder. In a maze of dilemmas that could cost him his career or his life, Alan takes a bold risk that will have readers racing to the stunning conclusion of "Missing Persons." Preschool Story Hour for 4- and 5-year-olds begins at 10 a.m. Tuesday, March 15. Pre-registration is required and you may do so by stopping in or calling the library at 449-5040. Story hour will run seven weeks, through the end of April.

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