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Moerke: Let your support for state's freedom to drive legislation be known

Voice of our Readers

To the Editor, 
I recently renewed my license tabs and as usual, I had to show a valid driver’s license and show proof of insurance. This ensures that I have been trained in the use of an automobile, understand the rules and regulations and have the necessary insurance. I believe that every driver on the road should do the same.
Soon our state legislators will have an opportunity to make the roads we drive on safer for all of us. Legislation allowing all Minnesotans, regardless of immigration status, to obtain a driver’s license is currently under consideration in St. Paul. We are safer when all Minnesota drivers have a license, insurance, and knowledge of rules of the road. Access to a driver’s license allows all our community members to fully participate as they contribute to our economy. Those of us in southwest Minnesota know how dependent we are on being able to drive to our work, church, school activities, and to fully participate in social and cultural activities. The economy of Greater Minnesota is dependent on a stable workforce who can safely commute to work.
There is broad support for Driver’s License for All from many organizations including non-profit organizations, unions, immigrants’ rights advocates, community-based groups and collectives, faith-based organizations, workers’ rights advocates and businesses led by the Multiracial Coalition on Immigration. This legislation promotes public safety, economic growth, and access for all to fully participate in our communities.
Please encourage your legislators to support this common-sense measure (House File 1500) to public safety on our roads. You can reach Rep. Joe Schomacker by phone at 651-296-5505 or email at and Senator Bill Weber by phone at 651-296-5650 or email at .
For additional information please check out
Dale Moerke

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