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Lela reflects on recent Minnesota judge ruling

Voices of our Readers

To the Editor:
Almost incredibly a Minnesota judge, John R. Tunheim, just ruled that a media production business based in Minnesota cannot post a statement on their website saying they would not make films celebrating same-sex marriages. In his odd decision the judge managed to offend millions of decent moral white people by comparing white skin to sexual aberrations! The judge actually said that posting that sign would be like posting a sign saying “White Applicants Only.”
     That insult is similar to how liberals for years have offended millions of black people by comparing the blacks' righteous fight for their civil rights with the fight for so-called "gay rights." This is a ridiculous comparison because it basically equates involuntary skin color with voluntary sexually aberrant behavior.
     What kind of people actually believe in discriminating against and making criminals out of decent moral businesspeople who merely don't want to cater to heterophobic homosexuals? Could the answer possibly be “ignorant liberal bigots”? (Thinking people from Plato on down have known for centuries that homosexual activity is immoral and a bad legal precedent, plus that homosexuality is an objective disorder.)
     That judge's decision is almost as ludicrous as the position taken by many pro-LGBT people that it is okay to ignore the feelings of decent moral parents who don't want their children to share restrooms with adult sexually confused transgenders. In other words, many pro-LGBT people place the disordered feelings of transgenders above the feelings of normal people. Truly bizarre.
     Trump handily beat Clinton in part because a lot of decent moral people are getting really fed up with liberal judgmentalism, liberal self-righteousness, liberal name-calling, liberal violence and hate, liberal divisiveness, liberal closed-mindedness, liberal intolerance, liberal bullying, liberal bigotry, and liberal discrimination. Let's use that to really do a number on liberals in the next elections.
Wayne Lela
Downers Grove, Illinois

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