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At home in Hills

Early this holiday season, I discovered a Sioux Falls radio station devoted to playing holiday music 24 hours a day throughout the Christmas season. I was delighted.Normally my radio dial is tuned into 91.7 Minnesota Public Radio, but during this time of year, I love to overwhelm my senses with the holidays, which includes hearing every version of Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree at least 40 times.For the past two weeks, the radio at work and my car radio have stayed on Lite 92.5 Kelo-FM to hear their "Home for the Holidays" program.While at home, I switch to my family’s old Christmas records. They make the house warmer and my inner lights shine a bit brighter. On Monday afternoon, when I was driving home from some holiday shopping, I heard DJ Jeff Gould run through a list of holiday presents worthy of giving this year. The list was so inspiring I grabbed a loose receipt in my car and wrote down some of the basics.I am not promising that I can accurately reproduce the list here in this column, but I am going to try because the sentiment was that important.Give the gift of time this holiday season.It seems people are always rushing through their days and that "I just don’t have the time anymore" has become the mantra of many households in America.Well, this holiday season take the time to visit an old friend, to call a distant relative, to volunteer or to take your kids out for some ice-skating and Christmas light viewing.Lives are only as busy as you make them. Time is available every day for the taking. Just make the decision that tonight you are going to make sugar cookies with the kids or grandkids and then do it. Don’t let time hold you back.Give the gift of acceptance this holiday season.Acceptance is one of the greatest gifts a person can give. Whether you decide to stop holding a grudge against a relative or friend, or if you open your heart to a new heritage – your holiday season will be better because of it.Accepting new ideas and new customs helps humans continue to grow.Give the gift of seeing the best in people in this holiday season.Some years, people just need us to give them the benefit of the doubt. Most folks around us try hard to be good people and perhaps this year they just need people around them to look a little deeper in their soul to find the good in them.Give the gift of giving up a bad habit this holiday season.Nearly everyone has a habit that their loved ones wish they would give up. Why not make the decision today that one annoying or unhealthy habit is going to be gone before the holiday even arrives.Give the gift of teaching this holiday season.Every individual holds the key to vast amounts of knowledge or the skills to a great talent. This holiday season wrap that knowledge or talent up and put it under the tree. Teach a niece how to play the piano, juggle or sing. Give a nephew a certificate to help with the livestock or tractor next spring.Volunteer your talents at the local schools or nursing homes to help teach the old and the young something new.Knowledge can’t be taken away, and to pass it along to others is giving a gift they will never lose.Give the gift of letting others give this holiday season.Often we are too worked up over giving that we forget how to receive during Christmastime.Sometimes graciously accepting a gift allows the giver to experience the greatest joy of the holidays — the feeling of giving.So, instead of receiving gifts with thoughts of guilt (for not having given that person a comparable gift) just be thankful and allow them to give.Give the gift of listening this holiday season.Take the time to open your ears and actually listen to those around you during the holidays.Pick up the phone and listen to a sad or lonely friend. Listen to the youngsters around you. Their stories are endless, their songs are out of key, but just give them the gift of listening instead of pretending to pay attention while you cook, clean or be an adult.These gifts are easier to type and read than they are to give. But if we can give some of them this holiday season, we will be filling the hearts of those around us with love.Story ideas or comments can be emailed to Lexi Moore at or called in at 962-3561.

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