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At home in Hills

I do not ask for help very often. Theoretically, I understand the value of receiving help from those around me, but when it comes down to it — I would rather figure things out on my own.Unfortunately, I have landed myself in a situation that requires TONS of help and I am learning to accept it. While working on growing a healthy baby, I have to get advice and assistance from my doctor, my husband and many friends and family members. At first I was very reluctant to let these people help me, but I am getting better.Now comes the time when I have to broadcast my need for help to a larger audience, and doing so makes me a bit sad. I guess I am jumping ahead of myself.In just over a month, Oct. 6 to be exact, I am to deliver a baby into the world. Its arrival will be welcomed with open arms, but should cause a BIG disturbance in my life, especially with my job at the paper.For the first couple of weeks in October I don’t plan on doing any work for the Crescent. I want to stare into the face of the baby, bonding and loving it every minute of the day. But the newspaper business does not take a break for new mothers. Readers will still be looking for their papers on Thursdays and will not want the quality to suffer just because I had a baby.Even after the first couple of weeks, I will be working in a limited capacity until Thanksgiving. I will still take some photos, write a couple of columns and attend meetings. But largely I will be taking an editorial break.When asked by my boss how I planned to handle the situation, I only had one idea. I figure I can rely on those who read the paper to become those who write the paper.Basically, this fall I need your help. I am calling on those who live in the Hills, Beaver Creek and Steen area to be the eyes and ears of the Crescent for a couple of months.If you attend a program at the school with your camera in tow or see something interesting happening at the park, send those pictures to Lori Ehde at She will make sure everything is spelled correctly and that you get credit in the paper. If photography isn’t your thing, maybe you can write an article for the paper. You do not have to be a trained journalist, just an informed citizen. The folks that work at the paper will make sure things read well and that you are not embarrassed by a grammatical error.I don’t want the paper to suffer while I am gone, so please help make the pages as entertaining and informative as possible during my absence.Of course, Brian, Nancy Glenda and John will all still be hammering away at their columns and sports stories. But that front page will be missing something if it doesn’t have photos and stories of the people in the area.If you have questions or ideas about stories or photo opportunities, even during my leave, do not hesitate to call. I see my work at the Crescent as more than a job – it is a privilege and one I do not take for granted.I recommend that readers take advantage of this chance to produce the pages of the paper. There has never been an easier way to determine what is in the local paper than by submitting it yourself.Story ideas or comments can be e-mailed to Lexi Moore at or called in at 962-3561.

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