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At home in Hills

I believe animals can develop personalities, especially when people take the time to notice.My husband and I acquired our furry friends while in college so we had plenty of time to devote to our new housemates.Consequently, they developed big personalities and pretty much run our lives. They determine when we get up in the morning and when we go to the store. We can live for days on noodles and bread, but we get to the store as soon as the cat food is gone.Our cats are city kitties, raised mostly in apartments with little to no contact with other animals.This upbringing has made their adjustment to rural life in Hills a bit tricky. They are scared of tractors on the road, trucks on the highway and Asian lady beetles, and they hate having stray cats in their yard. They have never seen a mouse, let alone have any idea how to catch one that is not made of plastic.Bottom line – they are spoiled and we adore them.This spring neighbors will see us chasing them around the yard, laughing as they climb a tree and calling for them if they have not returned home before the sun goes down. So I figure I should introduce my kitties before spring comes. That way if you spot one of them in your yard, you will understand how loved and pampered it is before you spray it with a hose.Magic is a wise calico princess with plenty of attitudeShe was acquired when a friend found a litter of kitties in their apartment’s parking lot.She was the runt and remains very petite. Nobody wanted her because she would sit in the corner and make terrible noises, but I could see something in her, something special.Eventually she allowed David and me to pet her and occasionally she shows us some affection. She rarely allows other people to touch her but will give an abundance of hugs to any near-by leg.She is the hunter of the bunch, fast and fearless, although the tractors do cause her to take cover in a nearby bush.Merlin – my tubby white boyAs we were shopping in a giant retail pet store about a year after Magic decided she would tolerate us as owners, we wandered into the cat adoption area.A little white cotton ball of a cat with bright blue eyes caught my attention. He was so precious and cried when I made eye contact.After I pulled him from his cage, he purred and nuzzled in my hair. I wrote a check for the adoption fee and took him home.He grew quickly in all directions. He is scared of everything, whether it is a piece of a newspaper or a person. He will attack anything that is out of place.Taking care of two cats meant twice as much food, litter, treats and twice as much cat hair. We were done with cats. Two was the limit. Until …Figaro – my little angelWhen I spotted his fuzzy white nose sticking out of the cage at the adoption center, I instantly knew I would not be leaving without him.I had long ago sworn off even walking by the adoption area of the pet store, as we already had our hands full with two cats. On this day I just walked by and couldn’t resist this little face with super long whiskers and he was crying. Literally he was crying. This cat needed us. The cats at home were not very excited about having a new brother, in fact I think after six years they still fight the idea. But he wedged his way into our world. Soon he made himself a permanent fixture in our bed, once Merlin’s spot.He is by far the most vocal and was long ago voted kitty ambassador for the Moore family. He makes up where Merlin and Magic lack in social skills.So, until the Moore family acquires a goat, these three cats will get as much attention as we have time to give.Our cats entertain us and help keep us healthy. "Current research has demonstrated that pets in general can provide many physical and psychological benefits. Cats decrease blood pressure and can even lower cholesterol. They can also reduce the mortality rate related to heart disease. Cat ownership can lead to fewer office visits to the doctor and a significant reduction in minor health problems."I admit that I am a cat lady. Whether or not I am crazy has yet to be determined. I like to think that I am just a friend of the animals

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