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Hills local news

Joanne Goehle and Tom attended Zachary Hadler’s basketball game Tuesday evening and Saturday afternoon at Worthington. Zach attends Minnesota West at Worthington.Betty Elbers attended the Selah concert at Sioux Center, Iowa, Wednesday evening. Last Tuesday afternoon, Dr. Ernest Thorsgard and wife of Thief River Falls stopped at the home of his sister and were overnight guests of Wendell and Kathryn Erickson. Don Briggs participated in the Merry Christmas tuba concerts performed Saturday in Sioux Falls. Al Berdahl was the conductor of the three concerts. Joanne Goehle went to Tyler Sunday and then to Brookings, S.D., to attend Allison Carmany’s dance recital. Thursday evening Wilmer and Betty Elbers attended the band concert in Brandon, S.D., where their grandson, Mitchell Elbers, participated in the jazz and band groups. Friday evening Dick and Audrey Heidenson and Wendell and Kathryn Erickson motored to Pipestone to attend the Opland Singers annual Christmas program. Brenda Hadler and Colby and Joanne Goehle attended the basketball game in Sioux Falls Thursday evening when Zach Hadler was playing in the Sioux Valley junior varsity game with the Blue Jays. Friday night Chuck and Rheta DeBoer attended the Christmas concert at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. Wendell and Kathryn Erickson attended the Symphony concert given at the Washington Pavilion in Sioux Falls Sunday afternoonBetty Elbers attended the Gaither Homecoming Christmas concert in Omaha, Neb., Friday evening. Fran Sandager and Leona Goehle, Tyler, returned home Friday after spending five days on the big island. On their return they visited Chris Goehle at Ft. Thompson, Ky. Joanne Goehle attended the Christmas program Sunday night at the First English Lutheran Church in Tyler. She returned home Monday. Cliff and Vi Van Wyhe met other family members in Sioux Falls Friday evening to celebrate Lexia De Wit’s birthday for dinner and spent the evening at her home. Last weekend Cletus and Patty Nuffer and Wendell and Kathryn Erickson attended the lutefisk and meatball supper at First Lutheran Church in Worthington. Dinner guests Sunday evening in the home of Wilmer and Betty Elbers were Josephine Feucht of Pipestone and Gwen Nelson, Sioux Falls. Friday evening Cliff and Vi Van Wyhe attended the concert at Dordt College in Sioux Center. The title was "A Light in the Darkness" performed by the ensemble and choral groups. Ashley De Wit, their granddaughter, had a part in the program.

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