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Hills local news

Harriet Skattum returned home last week Tuesday after spending four days in the home of Dewayne and Margo Edwards in Forestburg, S.D. While there she attended funeral services for Dewayne’s uncle, Maynard Edwards, who died at age 84. Darlene Anderson, Luverne, accompanied her son, Jack, to Rock Round, Texas, to visit Darlene’s daughter, Judy. They will also go to Corpus Christi, Texas, to visit relatives. Doris (Hengeveld), Jack’s wife, will fly down later. Melvin and Violet Hecht traveled to Madison, S.D., Saturday to visit in the home of her brother, Chester and Freda Erland. Last Monday evening, Brenda Hadler and Colby came from Edgerton to spend overnight with Joanne Goehle. Brenda had a workshop in Sioux Falls on Tuesday and Colby stayed with Grandma Joanne. They returned to their home late Tuesday afternoon. Deb Wright and Don and Edyth Briggs attended the Pipe and Drum concert and the annual Robert Burns dinner Saturday evening at the Culture Center in Sioux Falls.Chuck And Rheta DeBoer motored to Melvin, Iowa, Thursday evening to visit Seth and Susan Hofman and to help David celebrate his third birthday.

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