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Hills local news

A deal was completed last week when the Schlueter home on Central Ave. was sold to Louis and Joni Deelstra. They come here from Crooks, S.D., where they lived with their children, Oliver, 2, and Layla, 7 months. They are known to people in our area, as Joni’s parents live in Steen. They are Robert and Cherlyn Brouwer. Robert runs the Martin Township maintenance and Cherlyn is one of the cooks at Tuff Memorial Home. Marvin and June Albers, Cheryl Pavel and Cheyenne from Hills, joined by their son, Terry and Cheri Albers of Aberdeen, S.D., and Abbie Albers of Pierre, S.D., left April 20 for Charlotte, S.C., to visit Marv’s two brothers and families and to attend the wedding of their grandson, Charlie. Also present was a granddaughter, Melissa. They returned home Wednesday, April 26. Morningside Apartments have taken on a new resident. Marvin Kolsrud moved here from Sioux Falls Saturday, He is really not a newcomer to our community, as he grew up in our area and when married, lived with his family on the west side of town. He is in apartment No. 3.Many of the older folks of our community will remember the Elmer Ruud family who lived here. Elmer and Irene Ruud owned and operated Ruud’s grocery store when another grocery store was situated on the corner and was operated by Henry Knudtson. Yes, we had two grocery stores in Hills then! The family lived in the upstairs of the store and these two stores were demolished in the big Hills fire in 1948. The Rudd children consisted of Robert, Beverly and Stuart. As the youths finished school and left Hills to seek higher learning and employment, Robert landed in New York where he lived for many years with his wife, Darlene, and several children. Stuart attended Augustana College in Sioux Falls and makes his home in the Twin Cities area with his wife, Kay. Beverly married Bill Simpson and they make their home in Sioux Falls. Robert and Darlene have been seen in Hills at times, and he tells us they have taken up residency in Sioux Falls, moving here from White Plains, N.Y. We agree with them that the best place to live is in the Midwest and we are glad they are back in our area. Darlene has a sister in Hardwick and they have children in the Minneapolis area. Kelly Demuth observed his 50th birthday Saturday night with many of his customers and friends at the bar.Remember, from 4 to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, May 9, a pesticide collection will be at the Hills City Shop. Ray and Lois Nelson attended the MRCI open house Friday afternoon in Mankato. At this event, recognition is given to workers for five-year increments of service at their place of employment. The Nelsons’ daughter, Vicki, was a 25-year honoree.Following the open house, Ray, Lois and Vicki drove to Waconia to spend the weekend with Lois’ brother and wife, Bob and Bonnie Oleson. They returned to their homes in Mankato and Hills Sunday evening.

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