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Hills EDA meets April 12

MINUTES OF THE HILLS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITYApril 12, 2005Dan Dahlquist, President of the Hills EDA, called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M. with the following Board members present: Dana Dahlquist, Jim Jellema, Keith Elbers, and Linus Svoboda. Board members absent: Ross Metzger. Others present: Connie Wiertzema, EDA Secretary; Joanne Goehle, EDA Treasurer; and Lexi Moore, Reporter-Hills Crescent. Motion by Svoboda, seconded by Jellema to approve the minutes of March 8th. Motion carried. Motion by Jellema, seconded by Elbers to approve payment of the March expenditures. Also, to combine the EDA’s CD’s into one, to be reinvested, along with $10,000 from the EDA checking account. Motion carried. The Board approved a written recommendation from LDH Construction to make minor repairs in apartment #502.The Board agreed to hire Olson’s Pest Control to treat the outside perimeter of the condo building for termites. No further discussion, meeting adjourned at 8:23 P.M.Connie J. WiertzemaEDA Secretary(5-5)

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