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Hills City Council meets May 11

MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HILLS CITY COUNCILMAY 11, 2004Mayor Jim Jellema called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. with the following Council present: Jim Jellema, Linus Svoboda, Keith Elbers, Dana Dahlquist and Arlen Leenderts. Employees present: Connie Wiertzema, City Clerk; Joanne Goehle, City Treasurer and Wayne Ward, City Maintenance. Guests present: Tom Houselog-Rock County Assessor, Mark Hovland-Rock County Deputy Assessor, Derek Bundesen, Chuck Kuntze, and Jolene Farley-Hills Crescent. Motion by Svoboda, seconded by Elbers to approve of the minutes of April 13th. Motion carried.Motion by Dahlquist, seconded by Elbers to approve payment of the April expenditures: General $5,210.04; Park $1,141.29; Fire $4,105.51; Street $3,385.43; Legion $1,001.91; Sewer $1,148.76; Garbage $2,568.21; Recycling $500.12; Water $4,717.31; Baseball $19.68. Motion carried. TREASURER’S REPORT:General Checking 102,495.04General Fund CD#18197, 2.5%, 12/4/04 237,314.41General Fund CD#17760, 2.5%, 3/15/05 20,735.68Sewer Fund CD#18255, 1.5%, 7/19/04 40,646.36Fire Truck Replacement Fund CD#18237, 1.5%, 1/11/05 23,228.20Hills EDA Security Deposit Account 1,912.82Hills EDA Checking 12,852.99Southern Hills Apts. Account 5,424.51Southern Hills CD#17759; 2.5%, 3/15/05 5,183.92EDA CD#17850, 2.5%, 5/7/05 27,963.43EDA CD#17268, 1.75%, 1/26/04 10,631.54EDA CD#18160, 1.5%, 10/17/04 20,000.00TOTAL $508,388.90Motion by Leenderts, seconded by Svoboda to approve of the Treasurer’s report. Motion carried.City maintenance was instructed to obtain the necessary licensing in order to spray for mosquitoes; repair all water shut-off valves; and repair the culvert north of Charlene Ver Meer’s property. The Council tabled a decision regarding the $135 increase toward the fire relief retirement fund, pending Martin Township’s decision. Motion by Dahlquist, seconded by Elbers to grant Brad Berkhof a building permit for a garage. The regular meeting was recessed at 6:30 P.M. in order to open the Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting, with Tom Houselog, Rock County Assessor, and Mark Hovland, Deputy Assessor in attendance. Property tax adjustments were made to residential properties according to recent sales, homes ranging in value from $35,000 or less-no adjustments; $35,000 to $60,000-up 4%; $60,000 to $80,000-up 2%; and homes over $80,000-no increase. Since no guests appeared with inquiries, the Council proceeded with their regular meeting. The Council will obtain proposals to install electricity from the shelter house to the proposed basketball court, rather than from the softball field. The Council approved to have a 220 outlet installed at the city park shelter house. Council agreed to donate $150 toward promoting and commemorating the Hills Friendship Day celebration.A bill will be directed to a certain party for the purchase of water (approximately 2,000 gallons) for a swimming pool, filled by the Fire Department. The Council will instruct the Fire Department to refrain from filling swimming pools, equipment owned by the City and Martin Township taxpayers should not be used for water deliveries. The Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting was approved and adjourned at approximately 7:00 P.M.The Council approved to purchase two basketball goals at a cost of no more than $3,000 total. Derek Bundesen and Chuck Kuntze appeared at the meeting to discuss the water drainage in Park View Fourth Addition. Kuntze felt the existing culvert taking water from between the apartments and his property should be realigned. Bundesen requested that a culvert be installed between his property and Kuntze. The Council will schedule a meeting with their engineer to discuss their concerns. Bundesen also inquired whether the street work would be completed this summer. The Council felt that the ground should be given time to settle prior to installing blacktop, especially where sewer mains were installed. City maintenance will be instructed to obtain information from road contractors regarding this matter, and also for repairing the bump in Josephine Drive. The Council reviewed and confirmed that the 1996 special street assessment on United Enterprises’ property was assessed properly. Any changes to the property since that time, is the responsibility of United Enterprises. A complaint was made with regard to junk vehicles, and also for inoperable vehicles parked along the street. Jellema volunteered to talk to the owners of the properties. Motion by Dahlquist, seconded by Elbers to adjourn at 7:45 P.M.Connie J. Wiertzema, City Clerk(5-27)

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