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To the Editor:

Your "On Second Thought" piece in the Dec. 2 Star Herald was absolutely perfect. I could really feel, in your words, the awareness of what Kevin Miller's parents were feeling. You can see it on the news a thousand times, but when it touches home it takes on a face and a life of its own. Thank you for passing on your feelings to so many that are not directly connected to this generation's war. Thoughts such as yours are badly needed in the open media.Thank you, Steve and Kari Schultz and your family, for sharing your personal story. It is not only the service member that sacrifices for their country, it is also the family. Each year thousands of families live without their loved ones at war and peace, spread throughout the world protecting us in our everyday lives.And to Pfc. Kevin Miller, thank you for serving your country. We could not live in freedom and safety without you and every other person who has ever served or fought for us. We all owe you and your comrades a deep debt of gratitude for what you do.Curtis Hendel,Adrian

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