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To the editor:

Being an athletic official for a half century plus, and officiating for many high school and college coaches, it was necessary that I would meet many types of personalities. Most were fine persons and coaches.Mr. Engstrom’s comments were certainly out of line. I am quite certain that he is not qualified to judge Coach Rops’ coaching ability, although he does have a right to his opinion. The great French philosopher Voltaire said, "I disapprove of what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it." This may apply to Mr. Engstrom. I am also quite certain that in retrospect Mr. Engstrom regrets having placed his comments in print.On a number of occasions I have officiated events in which Coach Rops’ teams have participated and also viewed his coaching skills. He treated his players with respect as he did the opposition. Coach Rops is an asset to the Luverne school system. If I were the parent of a son or daughter participating in athletics, I would be pleased to have Mr. Rops as their coach.Jake BoomgaardenLuverne

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