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To the Editor:

I read with amazement the recent comments attributed to City Council member Lafrenz. The City Administrator presented an overview of the financial projections for the Refuse Fund at the Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, March 15. The City Administrator was attempting to alert council members to the need for an in-depth financial review in the near future. Councilman Lafrenz, with absolutely no knowledge or background information regarding the City’s garbage and recycling services or the financial projections, stated bluntly, "Why don’t we just privatize it?" Maynard ignores the fact that the employees assigned to garbage and recycling programs only work three days a week collecting garbage and recyclables. The balance of their time is spent plowing streets, mowing parks, trimming trees, maintaining boulevards, etc. I, for one, don’t want to see our basic city services further diminished. The most painful moment for me on the council during my four years was when we were forced to make layoffs in public works because of state cuts in local government aid. Privatization of refuse collection would result in three more employees losing their jobs. All decisions made on the Council have many implications. Maynard must learn that his job is not just to be a representative for a certain local plumber — as in the case of the debate over the Marathon water heater project — or of a local refuse dealer. A Councilman must look at all the facts and then make the proper decision in the best interest of all residents of the city of Luverne. David HaugeLuverne

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