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To the editor:

As an LHS alum and basketball player, I want to congratulate the boys basketball team and coach Tom Rops on a great season. I also would affirm Terry Althoff’s letter in the March 17 issue, that the greatest success is getting better than they were. Additionally, hats off to all the fans that have continued to be supportive of the basketball teams during the lean years. I don’t know coach Tom Rops and have not been able to see him coach, so I can’t say if he’s too tough on the players. Here’s what I do know. One-time head coach and long-time assistant coach Harry Franz was on our backs much of the time (along with coach Laurin Carroll, too), and some of us grumbled. But Harry would often say, "Don’t worry when I yell at you. Worry when I stop yelling." Of course, that would have meant he had given up on us. One more detail, though, to let you know where Harry’s heart was. We invited more than 30 of our former teachers to our 20th class reunion. A couple sent notes of regret that they were unable to attend, but Harry was the one and only former teacher who made an appearance. So gruff doesn’t always mean uncaring. Congratulations again to the boys on their hard work and success this season. It’s Friday morning, March 18, and even if you don’t win in the semifinals or finals at state, hold your heads high knowing you did your best, and encourage others to do the same in the future. Then you will also live a successful life. Rich FitzerClass of ‘78

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