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To the Editor:

We are parents who are concerned about the School Board’s decision to eliminate all day every day kindergarten. The School Board’s decision to go to morning kindergarten and charge tuition for the afternoon class just isn’t fair. There are parents who cannot afford to pay this tuition and their children will miss out on the additional educationally based activities that the Kinder Plus program will offer. Will those students who cannot attend Kinder Plus be behind those that do attend and how will this affect their education in the future? In the years to come what will it cost the school to help those students who are behind because they could not attend Kinder Plus? Are we going to discriminate against those who cannot afford tuition or find financial assistance?At a time when we hear about "No child left behind," we would ask the School Board to reconsider their decision and allow the same educational opportunities for all students, even the kindergarteners. Kevin and Julie FickLuverne

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