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To the Editor:

First, let me say that I am extremely disappointed that our State government does not see the need to fund all-day kindergarten for all kindergarten students in the state. Parents, contact your legislators and urge them to support full funding for kindergarten. Secondly, I am extremely disappointed that our school district, administration and school board would make the choice to cut the all-day kindergarten program in spite of all the benefits it provides. It is even more upsetting that they would vote to provide enrichment to those students that can afford $1,350 a year. The district is not "cutting" any money, only taking in additional revenue from parents. I firmly believe that the all day program is beneficial to all students. ALL kindergarteners need physical education to develop gross motor skills, music to enhance learning from rhythm and rhyme which helps with reading and math skills. How can we provide equal education for all students when music, art, physical education, social activities and curriculum extension are reserved for those that can pay?What exactly is the district’s spending priorities? What is important to our community? Parents, make your voice known!Paula JelkenLuverne

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