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To the Editor:

I’m writing in concern for the upcoming 2005-2006 school year in regard to the kindergarten program.I understand why the school needed to cut the all-day-every-day program, but I am very disappointed. I know the town prides itself on our excellent school programs and that’s why it’s hard to understand why we would want our children to only get half-day kindergarten while all the small towns around us are still providing their kids with an all day every day kindergarten.I’m also concerned with the enrichment program they are offering in the afternoon for $150 a month. That is a lot of money for an enrichment program and it would leave a lot of kids unable to participate because of the cost. My understanding was that all children are entitled to equal education in a public school system and this is not equal. I’ve been told that my concerns don’t really matter, but I’m choosing to share them anyway in the hopes that somebody does care. Kristee and Mike HartLuverne

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