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To the Editor:

We are writing this letter in response to the School Board’s recent decision to take away all day every day kindergarten from our child and his classmates. First of all, this decision seems very "convenient" for the School Board to make after the open enrollment deadline. Parents that would have chosen to open enroll their children with other school districts who offer all day every day kindergarten are no longer able to do so.Secondly, forcing parents to pay a high tuition for the enrichment program is unethical when all families will not be able to send their child. These kids have a right to be treated equally in regard to their public education. Is it fair to use these young children to set an example to the community for not passing the referendum? Kindergarten children’s academic success should not be at stake in order to fix the district’s financial problems. We wish the School Board would reconsider their decision to take away the current kindergarten program and do what is best for our children. Jason and Karla KruseLuverne

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