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To the Editor:

The Luverne VFW Post #2737 and the American Legion Post #123 need more volunteers to serve on the Honor Guard. The VFW and Legion are called upon to carry on the tradition of properly presenting the American flag at community events and to honor those veterans that go before us.Many of our present Honor Guard members have asked that they be offered a chance to retire. The VFW and Legion Honor Guard members are aging and some are finding it more difficult to accomplish their mission. They are very dedicated and feel deeply the great honor it has been to be a part of the final rites military ceremony of our fellow service people. This service for our fellow departed veterans must continue through the decades to follow. A recent news article said there were 839 veterans in Rock County in 2004. As veterans, we served our country in the past and should continue to do our part to foster and perpetuate Americanism; and to consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness. An information meeting will be at 7:01 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 18, at the Luverne Legion Post Home. As a veteran, we ask you to answer this call. Come to the meeting to provide input and hear the details about becoming a member of the Honor Guard. Don’t let this honorable opportunity pass you by. You’ll be pleased about how great you feel serving your fellow veterans who so honorably served our country. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.Warren Herreid, VFWJay Mann, American Legion

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