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To the Editor:

It is clear that the Conditional Use Permit issued by the Planning Committee last week is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan recently adopted by the city of Luverne. The Comprehensive Plan states under Land Use and Character P. 31- Kniss Avenue- The Comprehensive Plan does not seek to change the land use pattern along Kniss north of Main Street. The Plan seeks to sustain and enhance the residential quality of Kniss Avenue corridor north of Main Street. The noncommercial character of this corridor is part of Luverne’s character. Redevelopment efforts should focus on residential use. Projects should consider the consolidation of blocks facing Kniss to allow for access from side streets. This position was also addressed in a public meeting. The Hoisington Koegler Group consultant stated that the funeral home was not a good fit on the Fledgling Field property because of access and parking problems. He also stated the lot was too small to accommodate it. The plan calls for 41 parking spaces. Mr. Dingmann knew that the lot he arranged to buy for $41,000 in 2000 was zoned residential. He apparently didn’t want to pay the extra 100,000+ to buy a commercial lot. He also didn’t want to pay the extra expense to have the medical clinic altered for the funeral home. How much has Mr. Dingmann’s failure to buy a commercial lot cost this city in time, expense and aggravation? The funeral business is a lucrative one so there is really no economic reason he cannot afford a commercial lot like other business owners. All in all, why do the residents surrounding Fledgling Field have to have their property values reduced and have a reduced quality of life in order for Mr. Dingmann to get his cheap residential lot. There are so many other commercial development sites available. Why did the Planning Committee OK the permit when it clearly is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan? It just doesn’t smell right. The funeral home should be located in a commercial area and not in a residential one that has so much character. Follow the Comprehensive Plan. Jeff and Lori Wollman Luverne

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