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To the Editor:

I’ve never heard of "all day every day" kindergarten. What would be next, all day every day every night kindergarten? When all day kindergarten (just five days a week) passed here, we called it taxpayer-subsidized daycare. I’d be more concerned about teaching approaches than length of time in a kindergarten class. My six-year-old goes to a public school optional half-day kindergarten and she'll enter first grade as a competent reader. Her older brother did, too. Almost all half-day kindergarten kids in the school do, and have been for 25 years. The school is called an Alternative Basic Curriculum (ABC) school. Did you ever think you’d live to hear that successful basic education approaches in grade school would be alternative instead of required? Our neighborhood public schools with full-day kindergarten produce new first graders that can’t read for the most part. If your concern is not free daycare and is really a good education for your offspring, make sure you have a proven phonics approach and experienced kindergarten teachers that know how to teach it. A disciplined school environment wouldn't hurt either. Jay Page Anchorage, AK

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