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To the Editor:

We are South Dakota State University nursing students working with the Safe Air for Everyone (S.A.F.E.) coalition in Rock County. We would like to take this opportunity to inform the public of the deadly effects of secondhand smoke. Many people know that secondhand smoke is harmful, but did you know that being in a smoky bar for only two hours is the same as smoking four cigarettes? It is amazing that a smoke-filled room can have up to six times as much air pollution as a busy highway. In addition, secondhand smoke is classified as a Group A carcinogen. This means that it is known to cause cancer in humans. ( want all people of Rock County to know that secondhand smoke is harming your health. If you work in a smoky place, such as a bar or restaurant, your health is being affected even more. Take a stand and make it known that you have the right to breathe clean air! Easy steps you can take include signing a S.A.F.E. support form or simply saying "Thank you" to smoke-free restaurants for providing you with a pleasant dining environment. For more information on secondhand smoke, keep your eye out for S.A.F.E. advertisements and community events or feel free to contact S.A.F.E. at (507)-283-5066. Lindsay Reiter Amanda Nenaber Brendan McQuon Krista Williams

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