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To the Editor:

Just a note to let you, your staff and your readers know how much we veterans and our organizations, the Legion and VFW, appreciated the Star Herald’s help in solving our Honor Guard dilemma. As you will recall, we came to you with our story and a plea for help. The Honor Guard at that time was made up of mostly older veterans, whose average age was 85 years young. The Star Herald (Jan. 20) and assistant editor Sara Quam did a great (front page with color picture) job of telling our story and asking for the younger generation to step in and make our Honor Guard a continuing patriotic service to our veterans and the community. The results were fantastic. At the first meeting there were 16 volunteers. As military veterans they were already trained, needing just a little refresher training and they were ready. Since that first meeting we have grown to more than 20, which was our goal. Our new unit is outfitted with new uniforms, both Legion and VFW. They are now mixed and unified as one, representing both organizations.The older members have retired and are looking on, as the new perform so very well. They are looking forward to performing and will salute you and the general public at the annual Memorial Day ceremony at Maplewood Cemetery. We older generation will be there also, as we pay our respects to our fellow departed veterans and families.Jay MannWarren Herreid(Committee representing the Legion and the VFW)

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