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To the Editor:

I am writing this in response to the recent letters in the paper about the budget cut the School Board has made recently. All day every day kindergarten will no longer exist. While I am also very disappointed this cut was made, and that we will now be mixing private education with public education, I feel that people are missing the big picture.This is NOT the fault of the Luverne Public School system. They are short on money and they need to save somewhere. The School Board was forced to make a decision they did not want to have to make. They tried desperately to pass a referendum in the November 2004 election. The community voted to not support education, not the school. We cannot blame the school for this — they tried. The community believed that the school would not need to cut essential programs, and now they have.However, this is even bigger then the Luverne community. Education at our state and federal levels of government has taken drastic if not fatal cuts in the last four years. The Luverne Schools have been flat-lined in recent years while being asked to do even more with their money because of new federal standards. Recently a budget resolution was passed in the U.S. Congress that cut funding for education billions of dollars. In the last two years Gov. Pawlenty cut education 187 million dollars!I understand everyone's disappointment; I feel it, too. Before we start blaming the local people who are trying to make it better, we need to contact our leaders at the state and local levels: State Rep. Doug Magnus, State Sen. Jim Vickerman, U.S. Senators Norm Coleman and Mark Dayton, U.S. Rep. Gil Gutknecht, Gov. Tim Pawlenty, and yes, even President Bush. We need to let these people know that our education is vital and does not deserve to be cut! It needs to be funded.Sadie DietrichLuverne, Minnesota

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