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To the Editor:

Flash! Mr. and Mrs. Minnesota, and all the ships at sea … Hills has another slow news day!That is to say, a slow news day compared to the usual, if declining, COPS – television program — like crime reports that this Texan is used to consuming from the media in "Cowtown." (Fort Worth, Texas) I only witnessed the peace of Hills/Luverne for a couple of days but enough to begin satisfying the urge I had to escape the news of crime, natural disaster and war.Too much info-tainment can sometimes clog the happiness one receives from every day pleasures and miracles. We see talking heads tell us that other parts of the media only bring bad news stories, while others complain of too much fluff. Why, than, is not good news the lack of bad news?My dear reporter friend only informed me, and did not brag about the crime reports last year, how involved young people are in philanthropy, and how your community, involvement and good will are par for the course in this corner of the state.As I’ve enjoyed the elegant scenery, warm hearts, and polite ways, I am forced to respect the correlation of abundant crop yields with the same. Down south some forget that pride in self, community and country can be held with modesty. So let me do the boasting for Y’all: Extra! Extra! This just in! Hills just had a high school group work to better their own school, no homes were broken into, domestic disturbances remain scarce and the good news of the day is the lack of bad news, much like yesterday.Peace through music!Rob LaneyFort Worth, Texas

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