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To the Editor:

I would like to remind people what the vote was for getting rid of the city administrator. I do believe there was more than one "yes" vote so why, David Hauge, would you not petition to get all of them out? The way it looks is you cannot stand that you lost to Maynard Lafrenz in the last Council election and now you use this as an excuse to get back in office. I think the administrator had cost the city some money, too, so you are in the same situation if he stayed. But can you explain why you don’t think the other two people who voted yes had no factual basis to terminate, met in a "rolling quorum" which I am sure when you were on the council that also happened. Maynard was not in charge of the meeting and didn’t call the meeting. There were others in the meeting and I think the mayor was in charge. So, Mr. Hauge, take your loss like a man and if you would like to run again at the next election go ahead. But when you lost once by the vote of the people that should be enough. Now look at what time and money you are wasting. I am sure that I could beat you in an election, too. Accept your loss and move on. Orv GreenRural Luverne

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