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To the Editor:

The Star Herald should be commended for the editorial in last week’s edition by pointing out the fact that Minnesota is a leader in ethanol.We’re a leader in the building of ethanol plants by offering 20 cents per gallon payments up to 15 million gallons per year for 10 years. Also, our Legislature created markets for this product by mandating that every gallon of regular gas sold in our state contains a 10 percent blend of the product. A new law was just passed to increase the blend to 20 percent by 2013. Not only will that mean cleaner air but also less dependence on foreign oil and increase the value of our agriculture products, more jobs, and increased income in our rural communities. It’s hard for me to understand why other agriculture states like South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska and Illinois don’t follow the Minnesota example and pass a similar mandate in their states since they have many plants also. It’s time, I believe, for them to stand up to big oil like Minnesota did several years ago. Until we get a new energy bill passed in the nation’s Congress to do this, we need them to step forward like Minnesota did years go and create a stronger market for this locally produced product. It will benefit everyone in the Midwest if they do. Lowell BinfordLuverne

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