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To the editor:

Something to be Proud ofI wanted to comment on the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life event that I attended last Friday evening. I have attended a number of these events the past few years and found Rock County’s to be one of the most positive experiences I have had. Thank you to all of the people who contributed time, energy, items and money that enabled our local committee to have the success that it did. From the local agricultural groups who donated product and "sweat" preparing the evening meal to the "home-grown" musical entertainment and the local RFL committee that coordinated it all. This event raised in excess of $70,000 at last count, which is approximately $7 for every man, woman and child that lives in this county. This happens to be one of the best per capita contributions of any county in this region. If our contributions make a difference in one resident’s life in the next year, it will have been well worth it. It says something of the quality of this event and the community we live in when even the teenagers want to stay and participate. Thank you again for such a wonderful evening. Paul T. Pietz,Luverne

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