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To the Editor:

Shame!That is the best printable word I can come up with. I had to stop in Luverne on my way home Monday the 7th. I could not help but notice all the American flags flying at the top of their masts. I was first struck by Country Kitchen but then, as I drove out of town 10 minutes later, I see they had taken care if it. It was nice to see the Courthouse was at half-mast. So, too, was the Armory. The park was rendering proper honors as well. Soooooo? McDonald’s, City Hall, City Centre Apartments, Agri-Energy, Gold’n Plump, power plant and Country Club what exactly is your excuse? Minnwest Bank had the Highway 75 branch done but not Main Street. I can ALMOST stomach "I support the troops but not their Commander in Chief." Almost. I still throw up every single time. What is it that you don't like about Ronald Reagan? Was it the cut in taxes from 79 percent to 28 percent? Was it the idling of thousands of nuclear missiles that had been pointed our way? Was it that Pres. Reagan fired the first shots in the War on Terror? Or is it just a subtle reminder that this is the land of Humphries, Mondale, and Wellstone? Maybe I just answered my own question. The rule that says if you can't fly it right just take it down, REALLY applies to Luverne apparently. That’s a SHAME.Joe BalounVeteranFormer Luverne ResidentNever More Proud American

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