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To the Editor:

As a concerned Christian, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother and for the love of my fellow citizens I am writing this letter.I have always strived to be obedient to my Lord Jesus Christ. We Christians have waited far too long to speak out. We allowed one single woman to take prayer out of our schools. Look at all the shootings that have taken place since. Too many guns and knives have been taken to school by our young children. And now we are being told we can no longer display the Ten Commandments in any pubic place. Most of us were raised on the golden rule, as were our ancestors before us!Now, it is being stated to take God out of our nation’s Pledge of Allegiance. Our forefathers came to this country for religious freedoms. We have since and still fight many wars for our freedoms. If we Christians do not take a stand now and speak up, we will lose these freedoms. People are becoming so very selfish and want to change these laws and customs to fit their own desires. Our great Lord is a God of love and compassion. I now look at our moral standards today and see what these standards are doing to our youth and young families. We are killing little babies that our Lord has blessed us with through abortion, which I believe is murder. I, like others, can live the Christian life, but until we are truly born again, with the Holy Spirit in your heart, can we really understand what a stand we now need to take. I was taught to think of what I can do for my country, not what it can do for me. It is time for all of us American Christians to get out and go to the polls to vote, but to be informed of just who and what you are voting for. For only by the grace of our Lord and Savior can we truly have victory over sin that is happening in our nation. As Jonah had to cry out to save Nineveh, so I cry out for my country. It is time to repent and call out to Jesus before it is too late. Love in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Helen Hunt Luverne

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