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To the Editor:

One of the benefits of my job is getting to talk with many people. Due to the nature of my work, often when people move into Luverne, I’m one of the first people that they meet. I enjoy getting to know the newcomers and it’s interesting to learn where they’re from and why they’ve decided to move to Luverne. The reasons are many and varied, but one reason that I hear consistently as a plus for coming to the area is the quality of the Luverne Public School system. Families checking out the school notice our high test scores, challenging courses and extremely well-maintained facilities. The opportunities provided by the school to achieve these results are in jeopardy due to lack of state funding. The cost of educating a student at Luverne for one year is roughly $700 less than the state average and about $1,000 less than the costs to four area districts. When you compare the numbers, it’s evident that we are receiving value and quality for our education dollars.I’m asking you to support the operating levy referendum that we are bringing to you, the voters of the district. When all is said and done, dollars spent for education are not an expense, but rather an investment in our future — our children are our future. Bill StegemannLuverne School Board member

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