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To the Editor:

Vote "yes" next Tuesday, Nov. 8, for the school referendum! The investment in our schools is always a good idea for the long-term benefits of our children and our community. I would like to appeal to the voters of this district on the premise that it is to our financial benefit to pass the referendum. The saying "it takes money to make money" can be applied to our referendum question. If we approve the referendum, the State of Minnesota will pay an estimated 45 percent of the total amount. That means that each dollar we pay locally will be nearly matched by the State.A second reason that a "yes" vote makes good financial sense is that our community and surrounding area has greater appeal when we have a progressive school district that has a reputation for academic excellence. Those looking to bring businesses into the area and those looking to move to this part of the state will certainly look at the school system. When our tax base (total taxable value of properties) rises, it makes an individual owner’s tax liability a smaller portion of the total.Along with about 25 percent of the population in this community, I am a senior citizen. Some seniors think that they shouldn’t be asked to pay more for the school district’s expenses because they no longer have children in the schools. I say it’s the best gift that we can give the future generations of this community and do this for "the kids." It’s our time to support the school district and approve the funds needed to keep quality education. My "yes" vote, along with the "yes" votes from all of you fellow senior citizens, can be a wonderful legacy to following generations.Go to the high school next Tuesday, Nov. 8, and vote "yes."Esther Spease FrakesLuverne

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