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Crop walk set for Sept 24th Crop Walk will celebrate their 10th anniversary this year, and the committee recently announced their plans for the day.The crop walk represents an "action arm" of the Church World Service.According to the local Crop Walk organization, the funds raised are given to CWS, who distributes 100 percent of the funds to fight hunger and hunger-related causes.The money is returned to the organization, with international relief, national relief, Minnesota relief and the Rock County Food Shelf each getting 25 percent.For the 10th anniversary, the local effort will be to raise $10,000 during the walk.To make the event a little more festive, the group will enjoy live music during the walk and root beer floats following the walk.If you want to participate, you may choose to walk either 1.5 miles or 3 miles.This year’s walk will begin at the Luverne High School, with registration at 1 p.m. and the walk starting at 2 p.m.Ride for the troopsA ride for the troops is being organized for Saturday, Sept. 23rd.Registration will begin at 10:30 a.m. at the Howling Dog Saloon, with the ride leaving at noon and returning at approximately 5 p.m.The ride is not limited to motorcycles. If you are not a motorcycle person, people are also encouraged to join the group in cars and truck.Cost to participate in the ride is $10, with proceeds from the ride going to purchase Christmas gifts for children who have a parent stationed overseas.Either cash or gifts can be dropped off at the Howling Dog the entire week of Sept. 18-23.The gifts can be for children of all ages, or you can donate wrapping paper to help wrap the gifts.The gifts will be distributed between the Luverne guard unit and the closest South Dakota and Iowa units.Calling all former cheerleadersIt’s time for former cheerleaders to get back in their uniforms.Shawn Hustoft, the new Luverne cheerleading coach, wants to invite former Luverne cheerleaders to perform the school song with the current squad at the Homecoming game on October 6th.Hustoft said, "I believe Homecoming is about those coming home to celebrate as well as the current student body."For those who participate, Glen’s will donate T-shirts which will have the year they graduated or the years they cheered.Hustoft will also be sending out DVDs of the school song to any former cheerleaders who sign up just to refresh their memory.So if you’re a former cheerleader and want to give it another try, or if you know someone who may be interested, you can contact Shawn Hustoft at on I-90If you’re traveling in the westbound lane between Rushmore and Adrian, you’ll have to slow down starting Friday.MnDOT announced lane restrictions due to a resurfacing project. Duininck Brothers was awarded the $752,834 project.If you don’t slow down, remember fines are double in work zones.A completion date is set for September or early October, depending on the weather.Publisher Roger Tollefson can be reached by e-mail at

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