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A day in the life of Steen

Well, here we are starting the last full week of April already. Hard to believe how fast it has gone. Spring is in the air, flowers are in full bloom and the trees are just ready to explode with vibrant colors. This morning as I was lying in bed, I could hear the world buzzing with activities — robins chirping, dogs barking, the backfiring of a motorcycle going past our house.And how could I forget the fresh smells of spring pouring in through the open bedroom window. Smells of freshly cut grass, nearby farmers putting on liquid hog manure and the fresh smell of coffee brewing — oh, what wonders to wake up to in spring! I don’t know about you, but one of the first things I do in the morning is head straight to the coffeepot to get that little pick-me-up to start off my day. This past week I heard a story of a grandmother who was surprised by her seven-year-old grandson one morning. He had made her coffee. She drank what was the worst cup of coffee in her life. When she got to the bottom, there were three of those little green Army men in the cup. She said, "Honey, what are these men doing in my coffee?" Her grandson replied, "Grandma, it says on TV, ‘the best part of waking up is soldiers in your cup!’" How priceless!Experiencing priceless moments this past weekend was the Sandbulte family. Robert and Lorraine’s daughter Stephanie and husband Jason along with baby Troy traveled home to visit family and to attend a wedding on Saturday in Edgerton. Also visiting Steen on Sunday night was Dr. Heather Bajema, niece to Linda and Brad Bosch. Heather was a featured guest at the RCYF meeting. She spoke on teen depression and its effects. Heather works for Southwestern Mental Health Center out of Worthington and Windom. This past weekend area juniors and seniors experienced the 2006 prom. They had an evening filled with star-studded events and entertainment. Many are still recovering from the lack of sleep.In other entertainment news, Melvin and JoAnn Paulsen attended the Al Opland Singers concert in Pipestone on Saturday evening. Their concert "Steps in Time" included many old-time favorites and will be showing again this weekend at the Pipestone Performing Arts Center. In hospital news:Melba Boeve underwent knee surgery last Wednesday to fix a torn knee pad. Melba is recovering well and is getting around at home quite well.Anna Meae Berghorst had an unplanned surgery last Tuesday evening. She had a pacemaker put in after experiencing several fainting spells. She is doing much better now and is glad to be home.Sadie Kessler took an unfortunate fall last Tuesday night. The rescue squad responded to the 911 call, and after an examination at the Sioux Valley Luverne Hospital she was released and is as active and normal as any 10-month-old. In church news:This evening the Brotherhood will be meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the consistory room. The RCYF sponsors will attend a workshop in Sioux Falls on Friday evening. On Saturday, Pastor Dan and Karen will return from Cedar Falls where they spent a few short days visiting their granddaughter. On Sunday evening, the Junior RCYF will share their talents as they lead the evening service.In closing this week: life is not about how fast you run the race, it’s that you even run it at all. Have a great week and God bless!If you have anything that you would like to have placed in the Steen News, contact Brian Dengler @ 855-2232 or by e-mail @

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